Temporary restriction of access to state registers managed by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
On 19 December 2024, as a result of the largest external cyberattack on Ukraine's state registers, the operation of unified and state registers under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine ("Registers") was temporarily suspended.
Among the affected registers are:
- the State Register of Proprietary Rights to Real Estate ("SRPR"),
- the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organisations ("USR"),
which are crucial for transactions with real estate.
As of 10 January 2025, the operation of the first five registers has been resumed, enabling:
- certification of wills,
- certification of powers of attorney,
- registration of notarial blanks;
- registration of civil status acts, and
- registration and verification of data on legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and public organisations.
The resumption of the USR now allows the execution of
the preliminary agreements involving real estate.
According to the Ministry of Justice, the next step is to restore the SRPR. Until its restoration, the notarial certification of agreements and registration actions with real estate remain unavailable.
Additionally, a temporary procedure has been outlined for the operation of the eRecovery service during the restoration of the Registers:
- Processing of applications: applications for compensation for damaged property submitted before access to the Registers was restricted are being processed. New applications will not be accepted until the Registers are fully operational.
- Housing certificates: for holders of housing certificates with reserved funds, the reservation period will be extended for the duration of the suspension of the Registers.